Advanced studies on carbonate reservoirs and outcrops for scientific research and the energy industry, based in the Dolomites.

The services I can provide are:

  • seismic interpretation and attribute extraction for maximising the reservoir characterisation, especially on karst reservoirs. I have deep experience in interpreting 2D and 3D seismic data, using different attributes and performing spectral decomposition with RGB blending, in different tectonic environments, such as thrust belts, transtensional basins, passive margins.
  • sedimentological, diagenetic and stratigraphic studies on carbonates
  • geomodeling to develop static geological models, including DFNs, for the energy ( industry
  • geological mapping in complex environments
  • 1D basin models for derisking exploration (O&G and geothermal) and for diagenetic studies
  • advisory on integrated carbonate reservoir characterization for reservoir development
  • geological training on carbonate reservoirs in class and in outcrops (the Dolomites!)

If you need more informations, just drop me an .